Interacting with Datasets

There are several actions you can take to interact with datasets:

  • Search for datasets - this is enabled both for users that are not logged in and for logged in users. You can search using keywords, type of dataset and the dataset provider's organization. Search results are displayed in a short form. You can click on "View" at the bottom right to see expanded results.
  • Request a dataset - if you identify a dataset of interest to your research, you can request it. Usually this takes a few days for the request to be vetted and processed. Requests for datasets from the same provider or in the same category may be expedited on our end.
  • Review and rate the dataset - you can input positive or negative reviews and rating for any dataset, which you have previously requested. Please be respectful of data providers and use objective, professional language in your reviews.
  • Share your labels and label corrections - some datasets will be accompanied by labels, e.g., denoting benign and malicious traffic. You can submit corrections to these labels, or even submit your own, alternative approach to labeling a given dataset.